Easy Picnic for Large Group of Kids

Easy Picnic Ideas for Kids with no sandwiches

On the look our for foodie inspiration for days out? Here are 30 Picnic Ideas for Kids – with no boring sandwiches!

This post is sponsored by Belling, the British kitchen appliance brand. Thank you so much, as always, for supporting the blog.

Easy Picnic Ideas for Kids with no sandwiches

Hurrah for picnic season! Who wants a pack up full of soggy sandwiches though?!

Belling got in touch with me a couple of weeks ago (I worked with them last year as I LOVED my Belling oven). They asked me if I'd like to share some summer foodie inspiration as part of their Belling Summer Holiday Club, helping to keep families entertained over the holidays.

Belling home and kitchen appliances, have been helping families create tasty, nutritious meals since 1912. That's quite some track record.

A recent survey by Belling found that the kitchen really is the heart of the home, so with that in mind they want to be "Inside Every Great Home", helping to make every day family life easier and celebrating the joys of cooking. Right up my street and exactly how I feel about cooking.

As we all know, that can be a bit more tricky with children at home on school holidays though. 😆

I suggested that I could share some really easy Picnic Ideas for Kids without boring sandwiches to keep us all inspired.

Visit Belling's Summer Holiday Club for even more recipes and activities to do with the kids this summer break.

So, here's 30 ideas to keep life simple, and picnics delicious, over the summer. Hope you like them!

A selection of picnic ideas for kids with no sandwiches.

  1. Mini Crustless Quiches
    These little egg muffins are a perfect picnic filler to make a change from sandwiches. Use whichever veggies your family like best.
  2. Flapjacks
    Easy and fun to make with children, these are the perfect pick me up for a picnic.
  3. Banana Cake
    A brilliant way to use up bananas and so quick and easy to make.
  4. Tuna Salad with Pasta
    Pack up in a storage container and bring plates and forks to serve.
  5. Sausage Rolls
    Either homemade or shop bought, these make a delicious picnic protein.Picnic ideas for kids including muffins, kebabs and pizza
  6. Pizza Whirls
    Bake these the night before and serve cold. Kids LOVE them!
  7. Chicken Kebabs
    Cook and serve cold for a tasty meat dish for your picnic spread.
  8. Savoury Muffins
    Bake these in bulk and freeze, then take some from the freezer whenever you need a lunchbox filler. I like to take extra butter to serve!
  9. Malteser Rocky Road
    A super quick sweet treat to make.
  10. Fruit Skewers
    Make these up or take the fruits and let the children stack their own when you're out and about.Summer lunches for children with no sandwiches
  11. Smoked Mackerel Pate
    I'm always surprised by how much my children like this recipe! A great way of eating oily fish. Take some bread and veggies with you and you're good to go.
  12. Chicken Pesto Pasta
    Serve this cold in a storage container. Don't forget forks.
  13. Carrot Salad
    Add some feta cheese and breadsticks on the side to make this a complete meal.
  14. Banana Muffins
    A great way of using up leftover bananas and a tasty, energy giving snack for days out.
  15. Potato Salad
    Homemade or shop bought is a yummy picnic side dish with cold meats.Easy food ideas for children without sandwiches
  16. Oatmeal Cookies
    These are a great energy giving snack for a mid walk picnic.
  17. Easy Homemade Flatbreads
    Serve these packed up with pots of hummus and dips. A yummy change from sandwiches.
  18. Greek Salad
    The BEST summer salad recipe. Add fresh bread for a perfect al fresco packed meal.
  19. Crustless Quiche
    Mix up the fillings with whatever you have in the fridge, slice up when cold.
  20. Coleslaw
    Homemade or shop bought is a yummy picnic side dish with cold meats.Kids Picnic Ideas with no boring sandwiches, fritters, cheeseboards and salmon
  21. Courgette Fritters
    Cook these and serve cold, with a green salad and bread. Really tasty and packed with veg.
  22. Cheese Platter
    Pack up a selection of favourite cheese and biscuits and lay out on a tray for everyone to help themselves.
  23. Baked Salmon
    Cook the salmon and serve cold, well wrapped for a picnic. Bring plates and cutlery to serve.
  24. Nutella Muffins
    These sweet treat muffins are so quick to make – kids LOVE them!
  25. Falafels
    Homemade or shop bought, these are a great vegetarian picnic dish.Kids Picnic Ideas easy recipes without any sandwiches
  26. Cherry Pie
    A cold pie for pudding is the ULTIMATE treat. Make this and impress with a (surprisingly easy to make) show stopper.
  27. Puff Pastry Tart
    Bake at home and then pack up flat, in a shallow tub, ready for cutting at your destination.
  28. Pil Pil Prawns
    Cook these and then pack up and serve cold. I use less chilli for children.
  29. Charcuterie Platter
    Pack up a selection of favourite cold meats and crackers and lay out on a tray for everyone to help themselves.
  30. Marinaded Chicken
    Any of these chicken breasts, marinaded, cooked and served cold make a really tasty cold meat.

Looking for some more inspiration? Visit Learn to Cook with Billy the Bear, a children's charity recipe book that's full of kid-approved and kid-friendly healthy recipes, and the book is free to download.

I hope you enjoy these Picnic Ideas for Kids. I'd love to know how you got on and what you thought of it if you make any of the recipes.

If you fancy showing me a photo by tagging me on Instagram (@tamingtwins) I LOVE to see and try and share as many of them as I can.

If you'd like more info on Belling Home & Kitchen Appliances, you can find their full range on their website.


Source: https://www.tamingtwins.com/picnic-ideas-for-kids/

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